Homeless Veterans

Homeless Veterans Program--LZ Mercy

The project is going forward. We are still in the "building" phase. We are working on the Bunkhouse and might have it ready by summer...God willing.

This is not a soup kitchen/Flop House type of program. It's a quality, not quantity set-up. We will have 4 to 5 homeless vets that simply need a leg up; and hopefully, we can help a few to get through anything left from the war in their minds and give them an opportunity to study at another job skill. We hope, of course, to be able to assist, after their year here, with job placement and personal support.

We will have an application for a veteran to fill out, and then our counsel will decide upon their entry into the program. I certainly wish we could help every vet that there is, and I know God can; but we are only human and can only do a small part.

We have seen clearly that a lot of folks like to "talk" and "debate" or complain about the Homeless Vets issue; but talk won't put a roof over their head, and debate won't put food in their soul.

If you want the last edition of "Revielle" (PMIM Newspaper) about these works to help our walking (homeless) wounded, send your land-mail address; and I will get it out to you. Our Shelter is called LZ Mercy.

Rusty (Robert R. Moede)
Point Man International Ministries
Regional Director of Operations
Wyoming, Montana, N. & S. Dakota

E-Mail: Rusty

Land mail:

LZ Mercy
PO Box 529
Medicine Bow, WY 82329

LZ Phone: 307-379-2339

Rusty short rounds
Charlie Btry, Gun 2, 5th & 42nd Airmobile 155s, Vietnam-Cambodia, '70-'71

Revised 01-08-98 by DGS
