Congressional Committees
- Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs: 202-224-9126
- House Committee on Veterans Affairs: 202-225-3527
- Bipartisan Veterans' Health-Care Coalition:
Contact: Stewart Lewack, Office of Rep. Peter DeFazio: 202-225-6416
- Congressional Rural Health-Care Coalition:
Reps. Gundrson and Poshard, co-Chairs: 202-225-5506
- Vietnam-era Veterans in Congress: 202-225-5905
FAX: 202-225-5396
Key words on federal legislation are "H.R." and/or "S.B." followed by a specific
number which is public record. Do not trust anything referring to
legislation in the "rumor mill" that doesn't quote a specific number. Also, if
calling a Representative or Senator, having a bill number is an
inside track into making your voice heard concerning the piece of legislation you are
referring to.
Answers to questions regarding VA benefits in general
or a veteran's specific questions about their own claim
may be obtained by dialing 1-800-827-1000. This number
will put you in contact with a Veterans Benefits Counselor
at the VA Regional Office having jurisdiction over your claim.
For example: a veteran calling the 800 number in Nebraska,
would reach a counselor in Lincoln, Nebraska, while a
veteran calling that 800 number in Florida would reach a
counselor in St. Petersburg, Forida.
Also, access the "Government Agencies" heading in this Index.
Revised 02-04-98 by DGS